also, we went to a birthday party on friday night. i'm talkin' a big time, fancy blow-out with famous salsa bands. old friends we haven't seen in almost a year couldn't believe how "gorgeous" i looked. oh, and the sweetest girl came up to me and said, "you're so beautiful, really, you look like a fashion model, you're so pretty." she was probably drunk and maybe hopped up on somethin', but she did say it, so it counts!
i don't miss the carbs. i have to be honest and say that i really didn't eat that many carbs to begin with. portion control is my enemy. if you can take down a loaf of bread in one day, you may still be craving it.
i've stuck to the plan, but i could probably do better with the portions. i know i'm going over my daily calorie limits, but whatever. i figure as long as i don't take in more than 15 grams of carbs a day, i'm following the plan. the extra protein can't hurt that much.
i can't help it, though. i'm a pretty good cook, and sometimes i put a little extra on my plate. i've been getting creative with the recipes. we've been eating stuffed peppers, sirloin steaks, lots of roasted veggies, and even pizza! i'll be adding some later this week, so keep an eye out.
now that i think about it, maybe i should pay a little more attention to the portions. we're going to belize in a month, and i'm pretty sure i'm gonna have to pack a swimsuit. i think that's why it's called sex on the beach, not sweats on the beach!
i've been weighing myself, and haven't been too excited with the results. i have to keep in mind that the scale can't tell the difference between lean body mass and fat. so, i've been using a tape measure to keep my confidence up.

so, obviously the number hasn't decreased over a week. in fact, it has increased. what? whatever! i have my suspicions...monthly mayhem!
the tape measure tells a different story...thank the stars! since january 10, i've lost 2" from my waist, 3" from my hips, 1/2" from my thigh, 3/4" from my arm, and 1/2" from my calf.
i'm still only working out twice a week. but, i've been using significantly more weight each session. sunday i dead-lifted 130 lbs...which is a feat for me. i also managed to do 5 pull-ups, with a rubberband, but that's still pretty good. my goal is to squat 115 lbs and shoulder press 55 lbs on thursday! i'm guessing that the scale has stalled, because of my muscle gain.
also, i've been using the rapid response test strip weekly to see if i'm in ketosis. okay, so you've gotta pee on this strip. but, once you do it a few times, it's no biggie. lately, i have been in ketosis which is awesome! cause that means the diet is working.

cutting out the carb load helps me stay in ketosis longer. i don't think i was able to reach that point, because i was consuming carbs to frequently (every 3-4 days). it can take anywhere from 1-7 days to for a body to go into ketosis. i'm keeping the free meal; although, i'm still pretty good with that. i don't gorge on fried foods, but i may have a pancake for breakfast or some saucy stir-fry for dinner.
all in all...i feel wonderful! mostly, because it feels good to have a goal, stick to it, and see that it can be achieved.
if only that attitude worked with the laundry...which never seems to make past the sofa and into the bedroom. the bedroom happens to be 4 feet away from the sofa. what can i say, it's far!
****update: 2-1-12****
i weighed my self this morning, and what do you know...

****update: 2-1-12****
i weighed my self this morning, and what do you know...

i can't keep off this darn scale. but, i knew i was a bit puffy yesterday...mother nature sucks! so, i hopped on, and was like, "that's what i'm talkin' bout, whoop whoop!"
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