he's becoming so independent. he runs, literally runs, around the house exploring.

dewey is his partner in crime. they lounge together everyday.
bath time is soooo fun! now that he's developing his imagination. his toys take on a life of their own.
we even took the quintessential seasonal pumpkin pics. well, sort of...he stopped of at the local gourmand market and took a few snapshots. it beats the crowds at the pumpkin patch.
and, of course, i took the birthday shot!
for a couple of weeks, nap time has been out of whack. he went from two longs naps to restlessness and no naps. now he's finding his rhythm again. the 1st nap of the day is around 11am with the second nap following around 4pm. bedtime is still around 7:30pm. he has begun waking up around 3am. he usually whimper for a few minutes and goes back to bed. although, i will get up to change him and settle him down if it's an all out cry.
meal times are getting super messy. now that he is using a spoon to feed himself, food is everywhere...up the nose and down the shirt.
he pretty much eats everything.
we've cut back on the citrus fruit. a couple of weeks ago, it became rough on his tummy...liquified the poo and burned his bum. as the song goes, he likes to "eat, eat, eat apples and bananas"! we've also added rice cereal. i know...i swore i wouldn't feed that stuff to him. since he was having tummy troubles, i thought it would help a bit. and, it did. plus the extra iron doesn't hurt, right!
breakfast: 1 banana and 2 tablespoons of rice cereal (Earth's Best) mixed with mashed baked apples
milk: 5 oz bottle before nap
lunch: 1 cup of veggies and 1/2 cup of protein
snack: 1/3 cup cubed cheese and 1/3 baked apples
milk: 5 oz bottle before nap
dinner: 1 cup veggies and 1/2 cup protein
milk: 3 oz bottle before bedtime (he never finishes)
next, week he'll be switching to a sippy cup.
he has conversations with everybody. hearing him jibber-jabber is hilarious. i love it
his birthday party is this saturday. everything is ready to go.
can't wait for the celebration!
1 year old...really?!
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