okay, let me explain...
a couple of weeks ago, i submitted an online application to a local modeling agency, Page Parkes, for plus-size/full-figure work. a decision made late-night out of pure boredom. wait, i'm lying. i'll admit, i totally took it seriously, and fantasized about being the next "big thang"! i answered the questions with a little sass and a tad bit of ridiculousness. kind of like, "you're never gonna read this and you have no idea what you're missing, so take this application and shove it where the sun don't shine". like when i said, "people stop me on the streets just to tell me how gorgeous i am. with a banging body and fierce personality, you'd be a fool not to sign me. and, if you're still reading this, know that i'll make you beaucoup of money", i was sure no one would read it. though, i was hoping someone would!
did you know 8/10 are the standard sizes for plus-size models? that's kind of wild, right? i never considered myself plus-size. the standard for a fashion model is a size ZERO. i'm not going to go off on a tirade about how the fashion industry is doing an injustice by ripping emotional holes into the souls into millions of girls and women by defining beauty as ultra thin. i've been working pretty hard to get back into shape after baby. i'm proud to be a size 8/10. all i know, is when i check myself out in a mirror, i feel beautiful and healthy and happy. i'd be thrilled to represent the great of women. and, if someone wants to throw money at me for that, i'll take it!
here are the pics i submitted to the scout.

well, guess what? someone read my application. moreover, someone like it! and, i got an interview. this afternoon, i'll be meeting with a model scout to see what opportunities might be available for a simple, curvy girl like me.
after searching the web for advice and tips, i think i'm good to go.
i've got the wardrobe covered! i found this on The Curvy Fashionista.

tara lynn, super successful plus-size model, says she always wears jeans, heels, and a silk top to a casting call. ladies, we should be wearing heels and jeans everywhere!
as for the poses, i've got these down...after practicing in front of a mirror!

here's attempt another attempt. now be kind...don't laugh. i have absolutely no experience!

a couple of weeks ago, i submitted an online application to a local modeling agency, Page Parkes, for plus-size/full-figure work. a decision made late-night out of pure boredom. wait, i'm lying. i'll admit, i totally took it seriously, and fantasized about being the next "big thang"! i answered the questions with a little sass and a tad bit of ridiculousness. kind of like, "you're never gonna read this and you have no idea what you're missing, so take this application and shove it where the sun don't shine". like when i said, "people stop me on the streets just to tell me how gorgeous i am. with a banging body and fierce personality, you'd be a fool not to sign me. and, if you're still reading this, know that i'll make you beaucoup of money", i was sure no one would read it. though, i was hoping someone would!
did you know 8/10 are the standard sizes for plus-size models? that's kind of wild, right? i never considered myself plus-size. the standard for a fashion model is a size ZERO. i'm not going to go off on a tirade about how the fashion industry is doing an injustice by ripping emotional holes into the souls into millions of girls and women by defining beauty as ultra thin. i've been working pretty hard to get back into shape after baby. i'm proud to be a size 8/10. all i know, is when i check myself out in a mirror, i feel beautiful and healthy and happy. i'd be thrilled to represent the great of women. and, if someone wants to throw money at me for that, i'll take it!
here are the pics i submitted to the scout.

well, guess what? someone read my application. moreover, someone like it! and, i got an interview. this afternoon, i'll be meeting with a model scout to see what opportunities might be available for a simple, curvy girl like me.
now, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity. so, i had to prepare, right? i started to get a little nervous. what am i going to wear? how should i pose?
after searching the web for advice and tips, i think i'm good to go.
i've got the wardrobe covered! i found this on The Curvy Fashionista.

tara lynn, super successful plus-size model, says she always wears jeans, heels, and a silk top to a casting call. ladies, we should be wearing heels and jeans everywhere!
as for the poses, i've got these down...after practicing in front of a mirror!

here's attempt another attempt. now be kind...don't laugh. i have absolutely no experience!

okay, you can laugh. i look absolutely goofy!
Mandy Fierens, The Curvy Blogger, gave some awesome advice in a Refinery29 interview, you can read the full interview here. this gorgeous girl says she got her first jobs by networking and making direct contacts! she's not afraid to put herself out there. we could all learn a thing or two from her. Mandy is going places!

i also found The Plus Size Life, a super cool blog about an up and coming model, Tess Munster. Tess chronicles her experiences, jobs, and adventures as a plus-size model. i love her beaming beauty and super confidence! not to mention, her make-up tutorials and tips are awesome!

and, there's awesome fashion sources like Madison Plus, SKORCH magazine, and The Curvy Fashionista!
well, i think i'm ready for interview. i'll let you know how it goes!
don't be surprised if the next time you hear from me i'm taking Milan by form! and if not, at least i have a new pair of heels and some poses to rock while picking produce at my local HEB.
i just finished the evaluation at the modeling agency. Miss. R, i will keep your identity a secret, but if you're reading this, thanks for meeting with me! i truly appreciate it...even if I was one of the thousands! ;-) and, Miss. S, you helped calm my nerves. thanks for the chit chat! you're both sweethearts!
as for the rest of you, i have some thinking to do. i know you're on the edge of your seats!
to hear about how this turned out, read this.
did you like this post? i love hearing from you. leave me a comment!

i also found The Plus Size Life, a super cool blog about an up and coming model, Tess Munster. Tess chronicles her experiences, jobs, and adventures as a plus-size model. i love her beaming beauty and super confidence! not to mention, her make-up tutorials and tips are awesome!

and, there's awesome fashion sources like Madison Plus, SKORCH magazine, and The Curvy Fashionista!
well, i think i'm ready for interview. i'll let you know how it goes!
don't be surprised if the next time you hear from me i'm taking Milan by form! and if not, at least i have a new pair of heels and some poses to rock while picking produce at my local HEB.
i just finished the evaluation at the modeling agency. Miss. R, i will keep your identity a secret, but if you're reading this, thanks for meeting with me! i truly appreciate it...even if I was one of the thousands! ;-) and, Miss. S, you helped calm my nerves. thanks for the chit chat! you're both sweethearts!
as for the rest of you, i have some thinking to do. i know you're on the edge of your seats!
to hear about how this turned out, read this.
did you like this post? i love hearing from you. leave me a comment!
Melissa, that is awesome. I know plus size is considered size 8 crazy huh! YOU are beautiful! Tell me how it goes!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the shout out girrrrrl!! Good luck. <333
ReplyDeletei submitted an online application to a local modeling agency, Page Parkes, for plus-size/full-figure work. a decision made late-night out of pure boredom. plus size models needed