Saturday night, me and my hunny stayed up super we didn't have a 18 month old to care for at 7:00am. we laid on the sofa watching bad reality tv. out of nowhere i got a craving for cookies. it was about 1:30 in the morning, and i knew the kitchen was slim pickings. i had a challenge on my hands, but there was no way we were going to bed until we had some cookies!
and, not just any cookie. these cookies had to be fit, all-natural, and delicious. even our midnight snacks have to healthy!

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i opened the pantry to see how in the heck i was going to make cookies out of crumbs. then, it hit me...rolled right off the bottom shelf and smack on my foot.
ah ha...peanut butter!
i remembered the super easy peanut butter cookies i had tried from Ditch the Wheat. and, super easy is just what i needed.
i made a few substitutions. instead of coconut flour, i used almond flour. i didn't have any splenda or xylitol, but i did have truvia. i prefer the taste of truvia, but it's TONS sweeter than the others. so, i had to use way less. oh, and i added a dash of vanilla.
i also used half crunchy pb and half creamy. what makes these cookies deliciously fit is using pb that's all-natural with no sugar added. you know, the kind that's freshly ground at the store or in the glass jars with the oil floating on top (tip: mix it up and refrigerate to keep it blended).
these cookies are awesome! i love that they're crispy on the outside and chewy on the inside. even better, they're super butter, no sugar, no flour.
FYI: if you're looking for an all-out splurge, this is not it. this cookie could should be eaten everyday. it's packed with protein and the good fats that you're body needs. trade in those expensive protein bars for these!
1 cup all-natural peanut butter
1 egg
2 tbsp almond flour
1 1/2 tsp truvia
1 tsp vanilla (optional)
preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.
in a bowl, mix peanut butter, almond flour, and truvia. taste it, and if you want it sweeter add truvia sprinkle by sprinkle. then, mix in the egg and vanilla.
on a baking sheet, drop the cookie batter by the tablespoon. press twice with a fork twice (crosswise).
bake for 10 minutes.
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mMmmMMmm cookies!!!